19 April 2013

.it may be elaborate fantasy, but it's the perfect place to start.

Having toyed with the idea of starting a blog for some months now (time gets away from me), I've finally decided to give it a go, largely because my part time employment has almost come to an end, and I am staring down an entire summer of free time. While that kind of freedom might be appealing to many, I become anxious when I don't have projects to work on, so here's to keeping my sanity in check.

A brief look at what's to come: outfit posts, book reviews, recipes, travel (my husband and I are going to Ireland this summer, as well as several gaming conventions!), and probably some pictures of my cat. ^.^ For today, though, I'll give you a look at this outfit I put together with zero plans to leave the apartment. It's probably an inauspicious start, posting such terrible quality pictures, but I just found the battery charger for my camera not 10 minutes after taking these beauties with my webcam, so let's all be optimistic, shall we?

dress and necklace: Kohl's, $6 each / earrings: Target, $5 for 2 pairs / belt: thrifted, $1.50

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